One sunny day, a girl wearing flower printed

  • One sunny day, a girl wearing flower printed garden skirt was running to the darkest forest in Seattle. She seemed around 40 but has a incredibly shiny skin and hair.
  • Some might say *too* shiny, at least for a human. The bots were sometimes made too perfect to blend in with human society as they were intended. This bot was built to save Seattle
  • 's Best Coffee's shrinking franchises. The first thing the bot did was reformat the menu based on basest mammalian desire algorythms it downloaded from the Ray Croc Cloud.
  • "Two symmetrical spherical things that touch" was the universal Form of Mmmm, according to Croc Bot. "How does this apply to coffee?" a foolish intern asked. Croc Bot unzipped his
  • pouch and firked around inside. "Here, sniff these beans & then tell me that you aren't gagging for a cup," Croc Bot growled. The intern blushed and the aroma transported her to a
  • kinder, gentler time, a time she & her family would sit around a campfire, enjoying the musical after-effects of beans. Returning to the present, the intern ate Croc Bot's beans &
  • Farted so loud she woke everyone up. Someone grabbed the Fresh Wave and the odour was gone. The noise, however, was never forgotten.
  • This is because the noise had been picked up by a microphone in the next studio, where Elac and the Bent Fenders were recording "The Ballad of Squidling #17". They left it in the
  • middle of the night to satisfy the munchies when Squidling 17 took over the mic. The squeaky squealing sounds that he laid down were hauntingly beautiful. Elac and the Bent Fenders
  • were doing random Do Wop Do Woppity Wops in the background, in the video they are also doing semaphore. They alone came out as heros from the Frye Festival debacle.


  1. Woab May 03 2017 @ 13:56

    Someone at the Frye Festival must have been enjoying the aftereffects of beans, too.

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