Why is it always everyone else going out

  • Why is it always everyone else going out for awesome bike rides, swimming in the moonlit ocean, having mind blowing sex on drugs I've never even heard of, and here I am, on my
  • way home from work with a shard of glass sticking out of my eye?
  • Of course nothing could stop me since I discovered magic pills in a treasure chest. Well, I think it was a treasure chest. I lived in a town called Litigation. The safety at work
  • legislation, having reached a critical size, had gained sentience, took over the center of London, and declared itself a sovereign nation, its capital, Litigation. Not wearing the
  • ear of an impeding election, the establishment stood tall, angry, waiting to paint every protestor black and every mother bleak
  • purple. But Home Depot was out of the popular color, so he settled on "discontent orange" which was really "safety orange", but statistically even safer according to the actuarial
  • bird that lives in my heart. The Bird of Actuary is a gift of the Holy Zeroes. It makes actuarial numbers in my heart and while I might be lonely, I am gifted at math.
  • It was then that my narration was interrupted by my friend, who muttered, "Math, eh? Maybe you can help me with my tax returns?"
  • "Sure," I agreed. How long could it take for me to do my friend's tax returns, after all? But that was before I realized my friend was a billionaire. It was all I could do to not
  • laugh. His off shore holdings meant no taxes to pay, but it turned out he'd invested in a foreign real estate pyramid scheme & I ended up in the fed. Call it the Curse of King Tut.


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