I am going to Riker-walk on your face

  • I am going to Riker-walk on your face
  • . All those times you turned your bald dome in my direction and said "Make it so, number one." Just dismissing me and my gorgeous goatee. Not like I care and all. Data gets all
  • the big character episodes & he's a fucking android without a personality. And what's all this crap about "Fire at Will"? What the hell did I ever do? I'm so bout to join Janeway's
  • Costco cooperative. Janeway owned the club card and was pretty good about accepting our shopping lists when she went there. Of course, they were always out of phaser charges
  • and quantum torpedoes, but the free raktajino samples given out by the buxom Klingon associates more than made up for that. As usual, we went in intending to stick to the list but
  • soon found ourselves hauling out 4 family size boxes of raktajino. They were godawful salty but the memory of those skintight bodysuits on the buxom Klingon associates quenched
  • the fire in my monkey infested pants. I whipped up a little ratamba stew with a nice side of klavaatu for the gang and we reminisced. "Remember the time Jadzia bent over and
  • Ate the whole side of beef we had bought at the butcher?" He had a ruptuted intestine and died way too young. You young bucks, take heed from us old geezers. We went vegetarian.
  • Eating meat is no good. Vegetarian is the way to go. You want to survive the next herbivore uprisal? I can't stress enough how bad the herbivore uprisal will be. Besides, meat will
  • slow you down, make you sluggish. Easy pickens in the herbivore uprisal. So, Vegetarian is definitely the way to GO, GO, GO!


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