I was so excited to see my sister after being

  • I was so excited to see my sister after being away at University. I missed her so much and I was looking forward to catching up on her exciting stories!
  • I miss the way we used to talk about everything. Now i'm not sure what it will be like when I get home. I hope nothing has changed. I want to play boggle.
  • Then I want to wipe the floor with you at scrabble & then we can talk about that. Ha! So she got home & the locks had been changed. She posted scrabble tiles through the letter box
  • and would leave high scoring words laid out against the wiper blades on his car. She hired an airplane to follow him around and spell out big words. He hated scrabble before but
  • now he abhored it...almost as much as he abhored her. She scrabble-harrassed him even in the bathroom, writing "SQUEEZE" (worth 75 points!) on the inside of the toilet seat lid. He
  • retaliated by pasting the scrabble letters DISINGENUOUS on her corset (worth 14 points!) She took the scrabble war to the next level by
  • making it 3-d scrabble. She'd gotten the idea from Star Trek chess. She said, "Now try to spell a word in the 4th dimension, nube."
  • Woody was temporarily nonplussed. Where was this lady coming from, to offer a game like that? To spell a word in the 4th dimension, when non-integral gematria had been lost in the
  • ether for several infinities? Woody then became convinced she'd come from the Appalachian viper handlers, her very veins pulsing with esoteric venom. Woody rose to the occasion.
  • Woody then became Lightyear, and went into Infinity, the next next movie of the Avengers Franchise, which will be split into two movies and will have Spider-man, Punisher & Thanos.


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