So today started off a bit unusual. It began

  • So today started off a bit unusual. It began with activated charcoal, some coffee filters and a whole bunch of alcohol. Luckily, my partner in crime (who rarely steers me in the
  • right direction) was there to drink my latest concoction. Wowsers! This has a kick he said as he fell off his bar stool. I danced around the bar in celebration, because I created
  • a drink with the power to literally knock someone off their feet. High on power, I started pouring it for everyone at the bar. Soon enough, thumps filled the air as people fell
  • on their backs and passed out, thumpity thump thump. I threw them in the corner. A warlock hovered in saying, "I have more power than you." Heh, amusing. His spells vs. MY liquor?
  • I wove back ... and forth. I took another slug from the Flask of Amontillo. and exhaled through my torch. The warlock arced toward the Beast's pit like a downed firefly.
  • I took another slug. Yeah, Amontillo. Like Amontillado, but cheaper. Probably cut with lighter fluid. I downed the rest of the bottle and tossed it into the Beast's pit, ready for
  • the sound of munching glass and the contented purring of the Beast, the only delights in my despair, though I must admit I did find my gaunt self sexy in that dungeon of Amontillo
  • in old Moorish Spain. Once I'd escaped, no-one else found me sexy. "What's your problem?" I shouted, "I'm size zero - any smaller & I'd be negative space." The Beast of Amontillo
  • shook his shaggy head, stuck out his great grey-green hairy tongue & slurped me from head to toe. Guess that meant he liked me after all. I draped my mantilla provocatively across
  • my ruby red lips."Via con Dios, my darling" I whispered as fled from his grasp and into the dark Spanish night.


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