A thunderous applause filled the auditorium

  • A thunderous applause filled the auditorium at the National Clogging Championships in Flushing, NY for the dancer leaving the stage. Dave a plumber by day, nervously waited for his
  • heat to start. Dave could not dance to save his life but he was born to compete in the 400 meter hurdles wearing metal-soled shoes. A National Clogging Championship medal was
  • a lame thing but Dave was not above the lame.
  • or the lam for that matter. Dave's lame lamb Lam usually showed him the way home when he was pissed, a pathetic sight for sure. He felt pretty sheepish when the missus caught him
  • alone with Lam in the back yard. His wife would have never known if lamb the Lam hadn't been so damn loud.
  • Lam the lamb was a black sheep with a bleating heart. Although others sometimes goated him for it, he managed to not feel too sheepish about it. His wife Ewe
  • was always sheepish. She wore her woolen locks like a queen. They have 2 kids.
  • They are on the lam ever since their BB gun grazed a cop and the wound got infected and bleeded all over the station. They headed for Canada as fast as their hooves would run. One
  • The moose family made it to Canada as fast as they could, which meant they forced traffic to wait for them. "We finally made it into Quebec!", Mr. Moose said to his family. They
  • cheered, or rather, bellowed. Even wee baby Minnie Moose sent up a joyful squeak. From now on, this moose family would be respected, free, and covered by universal healthcare.


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