"It's all gonna be okay. It'll be okay! You'll

  • "It's all gonna be okay. It'll be okay! You'll be okay!" Helen screamed while tears ran down her face. She nervously clung on to her brother, who was lying in a pool of blood.
  • Noises faded from all around. All Helen could hear was blurred ambulance sirens. Shaking, she fell on top of her beloved little brother and gripped him tight, wiping the blood off
  • his face with a sleeve. She was screaming for help, someone to help her brother. Distraught, Helen looked up into the face of a stranger. He was yelling but she couldn't hear
  • squat. While Helen Keller and the stranger were gesticulating at each other wildly, Helen's brother somehow recovered, and was standing calmly behind them, a mildly amused express
  • -ion on his chubby face. Helen Keller's brother grabbed her and gave her a noogie. A hard noogie. He said, "I love you you crazy little freak!"
  • "Oh my god, oh my god, you're alive!" She said with much excitement. They hugged, and she cried with a smile on her face. They now had to ignore the amount of blood, and run.
  • The sale was only on at the Plastic Cup & Plate store for a limited time. They ran towards the nearest store and when she stumbled it looked like they wouldn't make it
  • . The mob rushed the doors waving thier credit cards in the air." William and Kate Commerative Paper Plates, WHERE ARE THEY?"
  • The stock boy pointed towards Aisle 8 "Commemorative Novelty Tableward" and was unceremoniously flattened by the ravening mob. Then they were gone....until the next royal wedding.
  • Or even the surprise coronation after that. But all the good will in the world couldn't ignore that stampeding customers on Black Friday have still committed /murder/.


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