Just take a look at these photos: Lenin's

  • Just take a look at these photos: Lenin's speech, Hitler's speech, King's speech, Lennon's Peace-In, Nixon's resignation. He is always there, sitting two seats to the left.
  • He was the Doctor. He did stuff when he was bored. One time he even went to the original Woodstock.
  • The yellow. The serenity. It was his favorite Peanuts character. To find the original portrait of Woodstock required him to drive to Charles Schultz's house. He loaded up the
  • van & bolted a satellite dish to the roof. He tapped in the coordinates to Needles & pulled out onto the frozen steppe of SoCal. A herd of wooly mammoth blocking the I40 forced
  • him to sharpen his hunting spear. "Good eatin' tonight." He wanted a big one, the biggest. An enormous mammoth appeared. "You." He stepped onto the icy I40, slipping and nearly
  • Fell on the black ice holding onto his giant spear. The mammoth wasn't fazed by this humanoid. Woolly the Mammoth, as he was called by his family, had an invisible secret weapon...
  • His secret weapon was compassion. The tundra was his habitat; his mammoth body was prepared as if by design for the ice and cold. Not so this humanid and yet he was nearly frozen.
  • So very nearly frozen was he that Earl, a representative from Bird's Eye, was standing close by with an open plastic bag, ready to catch him as he fell. The mammoth watched as Earl
  • consulted his Farmer's Almanac for inspiration. But Earl found no such muse within its pages. "Welp," he sighed, slamming it shut. "I reckon Bird's Eye Inc. jist gonna haff to git!
  • I gots better things ter do anyhows." Earl shuffled over to his favourite armchair. He kicked off his boots, slid into his slippers and switched on The Bold and the Beautiful.


  1. Woab Dec 23 2018 @ 12:56

    And there, on the TV screen, sitting two seats to the left, was the doctor.

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