Enraged, he threw down his keyboard. Davies

  • Enraged, he threw down his keyboard. Davies had made it impossible to market Torchwood slash fic if everyone already knew what it was like to see Ianto and and Harkness kissing!
  • If that's they wanted it then he would start a Fan site for Deadwood instead. He smelled his fingers deeply then picked up his keyboard. The L had broken off. No matter, he would
  • make due. That was his way. He began the project, slightly thankful the topic was "Deadwood" and not "The L Word" - which would be impossible to write about due to his current
  • possession by the spirit of Al Swearagan. He took a new sheet of paper and wrote very clearly, his hand only juddering slightly, 'COCKSUCKERS
  • WANTED: $10/hour, on-the-job training available'. 'There' he said to himself, 'that outta do it'. Within 2 hours of posting it he had 4 applicants. The interviews went great! He
  • within 4 days he was down to 1 applicant again.Once they were in the funeral parlor for on-the-job embalming, they just wilted or flat out refused. So his "customers" had special
  • needs children who needed attending to. So what? Just because you have a crippling mental illness doesn't mean you can't contribute to society. He leapt into action and
  • snatched the baby right out of her hand! She was devastated and
  • pulled out her 12 gauge shotgun with one hand and a katana with the other. No one was taking her baby without a fight.
  • Strapping the baby across her back, she hurdled through the gauntlet of gun fire. The explosive fire ball carried her to the day care parking lot. "Take care, hon. Mama loves you."


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