Friendly nightmare

  • Friendly nightmare
  • . "Friendly nightmare", up-stood the perching purple chough, and wailed. Morgiana crept across the hall & the theater billed Bergman. In they both went to see a friendly nightmare.
  • So friendly that the nightmare agreed to carry them both into the Dark Forest of the Discontent. Morgiana looked at the back of Bergman's head & wondered why she was sharing dreams
  • and why with Bergman? She couldn't remember sharing a dream with anybody else. Perhaps Bergman knew why they were sharing a dream. Morgiana tried to get Bergman's attention by lift
  • the lid off the green bean and tuna casserole. The aroma was pungent and did the trick. The dreaming Bergman left the turret and joined the dreaming Morgiana in the kitchen. "How
  • did you manage to make such a.." the man paused at the stench of the cassarole, thick and unpleasent "interesting dish?" the dreaming couple sat at a standstill
  • "Why are you in my dream," she asked him. She served him a plate of the cassarole and sat down across the table from him. "Now eat." The man looked at the plate and pushed it away.
  • "A polite person would say, 'please eat' or maybe something more elaborate and softer, instead of making such a demand," he said. "But couldn't I ask the same of you?" He felt
  • inexplicably cheated, and fished around his pocket for his wallet. He then requested his mortified date to empty her own pockets: "...just to verify you didn't steal anything!" She
  • pulled everything out of her pockets, which included his loaded gun, which she pointed at his head. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this yours?" She then stashed everything again and left.


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