I will punch you in the back of the back.

  • I will punch you in the back of the back. You call it your chest. You better rest on the ground while you're vleeding to death to this verse of one breath you attempt to stand. You
  • are probably asking yourself what the hell I'm talking about. Well, let me dumb it down for you so you'll understand. I'm the street. You're the gutter. I
  • 'm the meat. You're the gravy. I'm the pie. You're the face. I'm the meteor. You're the crater. You dig?
  • I looked at him quizzically. "Is there some gravy on my face? Where?" He put down his banjo, put on his porkpie hat, sighed, and walked out the door. I never get blues men.
  • It is a wonder they had such influence on hard rock and heavy metal. The blues was representative of the repressed society we lived in where the wealthy elite keep
  • us DO-OWN! Didja heer me, man?I say DO-OWN! An' I got a little ditty I'ma gonna play rightcheer and no-ow...goes sumpin' lak dis." Ol' Willy pulled out his mouth organ & the blues
  • Clues CD and the crowd almost rioted. No one wanted to hear traditional blues. Ever Since Ol' Willy had married the blues with Children's television, that's all anyone wanted to he
  • ar, and the Top 40 was flooded with songs for people who couldn't yet count to 40. Well, Ol' Willy was tired o' talkin about ABC's and 1,2,3's. He had some dark material these kids
  • Barely knew existed. It was buried.
  • Nonsense.


  1. Servant Nov 20 2014 @ 18:30

    I was at a loss for words... Maybe they where punched out of my head with the rest of my imagination? Hence, I could only come up with "nonsense".

  2. SlimWhitman Nov 22 2014 @ 19:16

    Nonsense comes out of folding stories even when you try to make connections; that's part of the fun.

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