It was a cold dreary day and the only thing

  • It was a cold dreary day and the only thing that kept him warm was the hoodie that had the smell of stale cigarettes. Fall leaves crunched below his feet as he ambled along.
  • He borrowed his hoodie from his dad who was now in Stillwater's correctional facility. He pushed his icy hands further into the pockets and felt a crumpled piece of paper.
  • The crumpled paper also felt him and it didn't like the calloused fingers caressing its pulp fiction.
  • His fingers were calloused from playing the slide whistle in a death metal band. He was supposed to be the front man but a heavy set chick and a bag of angel dust had
  • turned him into a disco clown, complete with rainbow hair, face paint and a big red rubber nose. It was really hard to take death metal seriously when you're dressed like that.
  • In the store room the cleaning lady found a bottle of Clown-Be-Gone and sprayed the death metal disco clown leaving him as death metal disco but without the rainbow clown.
  • The death metal disco humanoid, now devoid of his clown identity, let out a shrill and girly scream and smashed a guitar that had suddenly appeared in his hands. The cleaning lady
  • said: "Señor, cuidado! Ay madre mia, que gente tan violenta, que le enseño su madre?" and proceded to mop the floor. "I'm ever so sorry" replied Death Metal Disco humanoid._
  • So very sorry indeed. You will now have to die. You did something horrible to me, and I will make you pay. Go over there and hide your pitiful human face.
  • Billy shut the book. What a horrible story. "I ain't comin' to the liberry no more!" he thought. Billy went home then, sat behind his mom's computer & played Candy Crush forever.


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