OK, I’m an “early adopter,” I admit

  • OK, I’m an “early adopter,” I admit it.
  • I paid the money, signed the papers for my adopted grandchild during spring break. My grandchild wouldn't be born for forty years, heck, I wasn't even out of highschool yet but
  • I already new then that I was not interested in producing a sire with the stuck up rich girls my parents wanted to fix me up with. Filing for adoption at age 16 seemed the easy out
  • but they said a minor wasn't allowed to gain custody over a child if they had any sense in their head, unless they were a stupid teenybopper with more hormones than sense and too
  • many mismatched socks. Those dang kids and their socks and their t-shirts and their camera phones...could you at least help an old guy up after you take his picture?
  • But No Says I! Them whippersnappers left poor old me at the bottom of the staircase, laughing as they took them pictures of me! I wus laughing on the inside because thar hair
  • was dreaded like mine. Their dreads were from stylistic license. Mine were from neglect, and were just long enough to cover my bed sores. I climbed Everest in the 60's, but stairs
  • installed in the 70's now means it's too easy and Everest is swarming with tourists. I preferred it back then, when most people died long before the summit. Ted Danson said to me:
  • "Whoopie!" Right there and then, I knew Ted Danson was hallucinating. Either he wasn't getting enough oxygen up there on Mt. Everest or he was thinking of his one true love. Ted
  • was blue with the cold.He looked at me and there was a moment.I was his true love and I didn't want to be rescued from this,but Tom Seleck found us in his stupid helicopter!


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