His cousin had chimpanzee-laughed right in

  • His cousin had chimpanzee-laughed right in his face. Well that wasn't going to stop him from inventing a perpetual motion machine. People had laughed at Einstein when he
  • road a bicycle and grew all that long hair. A perpetual motion machine was no sillier than either of those, let alone all of that relativity nonsense. Cousins be damned! Vision is
  • just a way of misspelling venison. When would his dear meet deer meat one-on-one? She had never sampled gamey meat before. Well, except for that time when
  • her Dad discovered the delights of a freshly shorn scrotum and made the entire family gather in the living room to marvel at his handiwork. That was the first time she ever dialed
  • 411, asking if there were a list of other Fathers available. She was connected to Dial-a-Priest, which was how she met her future husband, who left the church six months later for
  • a stint at the Las Vegas House of Blues. She loved her husband's ecclesiastical rendition of "Preacher Man." But his career hit bottom when, Reverend Sweetthroat
  • performed a musical version of Jim Carrey's "Liar Liar," to his obviously non-plussed congregation. While many seemed to try to appreciate the message, Sweetthroat's imagining of
  • ghost's flying around seem'd like an eerie. However, it was. Apparently they were Tails Doll ghosts. One was coming at me. I died...Oh wait, i then was at an hospital with TD.
  • Though not as dangerous as TB, TD was an insidious, wasting disease that would turn me into a sponge only able to speak in apostrophes. My only hope for a cure was
  • to kill several thousand angry canadians and feed ther blood to russians. The russins, in return for my kindness, would give me a special typ of chemo that woul kill TD in 32 years


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