Th bmb cld nly b dctv8td by sng n algrthm

  • Th bmb cld nly b dctv8td by sng n algrthm wtht vwls. Btmn nd Rbn cldnt spll, Stvn Hwkng ws bsy and Wlf Bltzr hd trvld 2 Kyrgyzstn. Th Prsdnt txtd hs gd frnd Brc Sprngstn fr hlp.
  • Brc Sprngstn wld sng 2 th Prsdnt 2 hlp dctv8 th bmb bt Brc sng wtht ny vwls. Th Prsdnt wld nd 2 thnk qckly 2 fnd nthr sltn 2 th bmb. Hlp cm frm
  • and so forth. I write like this because I HATE VOWELS!
  • "YOU!" the teacher pointed at me. "to Principal Hootie's office immediately." I pretended to hang my head as I left the classroom, but secretly I was delighed to go to Principal
  • Hootie's office, he was a country singer now. I loved me some old-fashioned country. "Ohhh, a warm summer school evening, on a train bound for delinquency..." He sure has a way
  • with chainsaws, I thought, as I watched Country Hootie's combination singing and juggling act. He could sing all the classics while juggling an amazing variety of objects: knives,
  • phone books, bowling balls, and small children. He would strum "Oh Suzzanah" on a banjo every third toss. I had to be Hootie's manager. I take his juggling act on the road with
  • the boy with a thorn in his side who had a murderous desire for love. Hootie did his banjo juggling thing while I drove and the boy moaned sometimes. Next stop was a bull ring on
  • par with our past venues. Moaning Boy, Hootie the Banjo-Juggler, and I found a dingy tent near the bull-ring where we were allowed to set up our equipment. For no extra charge, we
  • provided gynecological and rectal examinations to anyone who wanted. Within minutes, a long line formed outside our tent while Hootie serenaded our clients.


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