i woke up and thats when i found her...

  • i woke up and thats when i found her...
  • toothpaste. That was it. Couldn't think of the word. I found her toothpaste between the couch cushions & the cap had come undone. And it's that awful new toothpaste, the sort with
  • glitter & baking soda. I was lazy & didn't clean up the mess. Forgot all about it until I was walking out of my meeting with Clyde, who'd noticed toothpaste on the back of my skirt
  • but Clyde didn't tell me. He was mean. I walked around all day at the wedding party with this streak of toothpaste and bastard Clyde just smiled and kept asking me if I wanted anot
  • her Shirley Temple and a handful of tater tots. I hated Clyde. I wanted to take his face and smash it into
  • the side of the screen. I was just going around eating pellets, but Clyde always decided to chase after me! How dare he! Sometimes though he became blue and
  • Looked like the sky, minus the chemtrails. He grew wings and bird-like feet. His shoes fell down to Earth and David Bowie found them. He said, how exquisite they looked. Ziggy
  • played guitar as he watched the fledgling bird-man circle in the sky above him. Hilda came out and joined him on harmonica. The bird-man heard their music and began to sing.
  • Virgil being engaged already by Dante, for a guide to All of Creation I was given Sancho Panza. I had to supply him his own donkey and promise hen's eggs daily. That was an easy on
  • line task I could finish in a few hours, or so I thought. Finding and ordering eggs was easy as pie, but procuring a decent donkey took decidedly more effort. Lesson learned!


  1. LordVacuity Mar 03 2017 @ 03:54

    Sorry. My fold was supposed to be the song the bird-man was singing but seeing it now I see that it is not as apparently so as I must have thought at the time.

  2. Woab Mar 03 2017 @ 16:35

    Eh, sometimes we flake out as the counter judges our every wasted second.

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