There was only silence. And darkness. As

  • There was only silence. And darkness. As the winds continued to howl
  • She clutched the brown paper bag that held the only piece of evidence to exonerate him. She blindly made her way across the silent dark field.
  • Clutching the precious evidence to her chest, she stepped carefully toward the fence opening. It was then she heard...was that a snort? Heavy breathing. The darkness prevented her
  • from fishing her inhaler out of her handbag. She really needed to get another Dr's appointment to sort out this bronchitis. As she stepped through the fence, she smelled a foul
  • stench, upsetting her bronchitis, making her cough even more. She made it past the fence and walked into the doctor's office. Cough. Hack. She signed her name at the front desk and
  • looked around the crowded room for a seat.
  • There was none. I was so foolish to arrive at such a place without proper equipment, I should've had taken my portable chair instead. But that was the past, in order to escape
  • The monotonous life of a wage slave, and that's where I always went. Now, I prefer the library instead. Oh, well. You live and learn every day. Tempus fugit, though. No time to be
  • sullen and petulant when i had these hips! Can you feel me? I'm sure the Serenity 3 Survivors know what I mean. So I hashed my business from this end of the terminal to the 2nd la
  • -dies room by the food court (The first one was closed for repairs), stopping only to buy chocolate bunnies for my grandchildren. I am a sick old git, but I know how to be happy.


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