The unbelievable had happened. He had kept

  • The unbelievable had happened. He had kept his promise. America was great again. From behind
  • his folded curtain, the Wizard adjusted the knobs on his projection. Who knew the American voters would vote for him, the Great and Powerful? How long could he keep up the charade?
  • He'd only won the presidential election using Dark Magicks, not something any Self-Respecting wizard would use. Luckily he wasn't one of those. Just Great and Powerful. The parade
  • had been marching for days, celebrating his wizardly might. The president-wizard raised his hand to command silence, as any dictator-president-wizard would. Everyone fell silent
  • as he began to speak. "We must tag all Muggles in our midst. We must find and invade a well-situated country, and then build a wall us and Muggledom. We will make them pay for this
  • How do I add a line to a story?
  • Like many things in life it's easy to do, but hard to do well, and in fact that's what makes life worth living: the fact that doing it well is hard. So, from one folder to another
  • , all I can suggest is to keep doing it until you get the hang of it. Unless you get bored. Or discouraged. Then go in the other room and have some saltines and watch a rerun of
  • Freaks and Geeks, paying special attention to how awful James Franco's acting is...then make a Dagwood Sandwich and leave it for beaver. Don't get discouraged...Good Times...
  • Undeclared and even Get Real existed still but not as we remembered them. What we saw now was informed by our knowledge. Ann Hathaway on a motorcycle breaking the 4th Wall. Havoc.


  1. LordVacuity Feb 07 2017 @ 23:55

    What I was trying to say, that if you went back to watch the first episode of Get Real now when Ann Hatheway, setting on the back of the motorcycle, looks into the camera and tells us this isn't her boyfriend, we will be seeing every thing since that we have seen her in. From Princess Diaries, to Havoc, Les Miserable, etc. Borges touched upon this in Pierre Menard, Author of The Quixote. He describes how Pierre Menard sets out to write Don Quixote. Nevermind that it was already written Cervantes in the 17th Century and every schoolboy knows it. Menards will be different in that it will have the same words but mean something different.

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