Let tell you a story that was told long ago

  • Let tell you a story that was told long ago by the settlers of this fair plain. Those hard tack pioneers who tamed the West and built the first strip mall. Cinnabuns as far as the
  • nose can smell. But the Chinese were the sleeping dragon and the infiltrated and soon Panda Express was everywhere. America retaliated with Johnny Rockets but
  • failed miserably, as most people had only ever seen one Johnny Rockets ever. Still, America had Taco Bell as the Mexicans wanted to deny all association with their own cuisine.
  • If tacos tasted like cardboard, then Taco Bell were determined to replicate the delicacy. Senior management had their taste buds surgically removed to avoid all doubt. But Ernie
  • and Burt continued to patronize the local franchise. Fractal chalupas were a different story altogether. The sauce -- seemed to linger -- forever.. It wasn't good, but it was real
  • Crispy critter stew for those brave souls who dared eat fractally. Mr. Plum was the ownef of the restaurant, where fractal cooks plied their trade. The reviewers all agreed it was
  • a long meander to reach Mr.Plums Gosper Island locale but well worth the convolutions.Rave reviews like "From Mandelbrot breadsticks sprinkled with cantor dust to the Douady rabbit
  • which forms the staple of many a Julia's diet...", and: "Gosper Island's bathing spots frequently give rise to the exclamation:'Wada basin!' " As the sole habitat of the flowsnake,
  • Ethan was able to pick and choose his bathing spot. He could choose the one near the forest, or what if he wanted a lake one day? Or, even the female bath house if he was really
  • looking for conversation. But Ethan ended up bathing in the waters of the beyond, and had one of the most peaceful passings that anyone of Earth ever did have.


  1. SlimWhitman Aug 13 2016 @ 05:17

    I liked the fractal food idea Hamstak. Probably all real food is self similar.

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