Andrei Jeromesh was tired of being incarnate,

  • Andrei Jeromesh was tired of being incarnate, of walking down rain-wet carbonate alleys where there might be doors but no safe havens, of pattern-scattering laserbots, of NPCs who
  • wore bikinis into battle. No more being a Heroes of Dufus cartoon! A.J. would trade places with his RL counterpart. Opportunity beckoned when mind-based controllers became reality.
  • For you see, when one controls the mind, they control the players as they so wish, like chess pieces. This general has plans to move the first battalion, but with mind control, I
  • personally think that if he used a few acts of random kindness and a little motivation he would get the results that he wanted and his troops would be better at
  • pouring the soup for the homeless. "YOU DON'T F@#%ING HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SERVE SOUP!!!" Sergeant Crass shouted through his megaphone. The troops cowered for minute and
  • Sergeant Crass brought the megaphone up to the kid's ear and screamed, "Get out of the soup kitchen you ignorant fool!" He kicked the homeless boy in the butt on the way out.
  • That was the straw that broke the camels back for everyone. When Sgt. Crass turned, the kitchen staff tackled him, trussed him up, then threw him in the big pot of boiling soup.
  • The recruits were elated to find real meat in the soup that day. They grouped the kitchen staff together to pose with them for a selfie. No one thought to ask where Sgt. Crass was.
  • They made sure they took their Valium beforehand. Sgt. Crass made them nervous. The Invisible Hand left instructions for them on the table, so they wouldn't have panic attacks. The
  • only catch was... the instructions were written in invisible ink. They slowly started hyperventilating, and looked into each other's terror-filled eyes, whilst screamed in fear.


  1. Magic Apr 23 2016 @ 03:23

    I like this one! The selfie idea is hilarious

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