Archer, Alice Alexis Ann, aimed an arrow

  • Archer, Alice Alexis Ann, aimed an arrow at adolescent actress and amazing acrobat, Amy Allybob Absalom. But Billy Baxter Buttercup, brilliant brave boyfriend blocked
  • belligerent baleful bolts bodaciously. Carla casually carressed cleft-toed camels continuously. Dagfin double-downed diligently decimating Denmarks debt. Erywn edited erstwhile
  • emails exuberantly, eating eft essence enthusiastically. Finally Fiona flagrantly failed forensics - fortunately, Fatimah formed four fork-favoring fanclubs. Good gracious! Gandalf
  • gulped, groping Helen's handmade hankies. Ingrid's inertia immediately jostled Ken's lip-licking, lollygagging llamas. Likewise my nearsighted nephews openly ostracized
  • Penelope's pennyloafers. "Queer Queens!" Roger rasped, regurgitating rutabagas sideways. Suddenly Susan sashayed sexily towards Tommy, touting titillating tenderloins tied to
  • Susan's surreptitiously sinister snacks. Roger reeled, rollicking royally. "Queer Queens!" quoted Penelope's perfectly poised pen pal
  • obscurely.Othello's opium obfuscated oblivion, needling Nancy needlessly. Many many monsters melted languoursly, like lollipops, kneading knowledge. Jesters jumped joyously into
  • Lake Ckgccgfxvhgfy where the black fish swam. Mr. Blackfish rose out of the Cerulean blue lake and said hello to everyone. His son, Lil Squeak, invited us to join them for tea. Gla
  • -morous invitation like this came so seldom any more that we joined Lil Squeak and Mr. Blackfish in the lake for tea, even though it was very watered down and the biscuits were
  • being dismissive. Squeak and Blackfish soon forgot us comepletely. From their rapturous faces one might believe they had forgotten the World. Which is what World hoped for.


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