The large man in the pink pants

  • The large man in the pink pants
  • was so gorgeous that she blushed the same shade as his pants every time he looked at her.
  • In her mind, it took a certain amount of courage to sport such brightly colored trousers. When he caught her staring at them, she turned an even darker shade of red.
  • It sort of turned him on. Clearly she had a thing for colorful pants. If only he had a colorful personality to win her over completely. Turned out, she also liked boring men.
  • "I've been watching TV a lot lately. I always watch a lot of TV," he mumbled. She tore her gaze from his colorful pants and searched his eyes. "Can you bore me to tears, too!?"
  • Ed didn't even smile. She waited for an answer. Ed deliberately chewed his Melba toast.
  • As s-l-o-w-l-y a-s h-e c-o-u-l-d because he knew it would annoy her. She tapped her foot & crossed her arms. Two could play THIS waiting game, she thought as Ed continued chewing.
  • With Herculean rectal muscle control, she eased into a passing of gas that lasted the better part of three days. Ed continued to slowly chew his food through most of it, but when
  • he'd gotten used to the methanogenic atmosphere she generated in the cozy alcove & forgetting about the situation, he pulled out his lighter to have an after dinner smoke
  • that turned into an after dinner singing and screaming long pork barbeque when the room's atmosphere ignited from his Zippo. The whole place got lit and blew the roof off. It was a


  1. LordVacuity May 13 2017 @ 15:55

    Three Words Too Far, the novel they said could never happen.

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