This would be a night Sami would never forget.

  • This would be a night Sami would never forget. She closed her eyes and remember everything that had happened earlier. It started with the memory of
  • having her waiter spill soda all over her lap. Sami could not imagine anything worse, her favorite outfit has been ruined. Her friends had to stifle their laughs as
  • Sami darted straight to the ladies room. Her face began turning hotter than the sun. She could hear them talking about her in her head as tear streamed down her face. There was a
  • black, dark image when she went into the ladies' room. She didn't hear anything except for the people who were talking about her. Their voices started to fade slowly. It was dark.
  • Her mind started to blacken, and she paused because she never allowed herself the pleasure before. But hearing them whisper about her in the stall, she didn't care anymore.
  • You see, she could hear the voices of the evil spirits of public restroom graffiti. Sure there were mean girls in here, but what she listened to were the lonely hearts of the isola
  • ted tampons resting in their .25 dispensers.She listened to cottony dirges of impending crimson floods, long lonely swirls into the public sewer system. The graffiti sang, slanging
  • slip, slop, slime. "Whatever a meal one could make with a slop or a slime", she mumbled under her breath, being careful not to breathe too deeply lest she inhale menstrual bacteria
  • and collapse into a writhing pile. Slop was one thing, slime an entirely different one - and neither was something you'd want to see at your 4th of July barbecue.
  • And just as he thought the situation couldn't get any worse Godzilla came out of nowhere and had a fight with Cthulhu and destroyed Tokyo, again. THE END


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