The bananas had brown spots on them so they

  • The bananas had brown spots on them so they looked like giraffe's. He'd heard these were the cavendash bananas. He'd heard there were way tastier bananas than these but
  • he could never try the better kind, for those bananas were kept for the Mighty Ones. That's what he called them, since he did not know their true names. Unlike him, they lived in
  • caverns deep in the ocean with Cthulhu, waiting for the stars to align so they could awake and devour humanity. The Old Ones - like all elderly - mighty or not, were always a lttle
  • gristly, but good for stew. The young humans make a lovely repast if you cooked them with a bit of butter and lemon juice. Serrved with a nice salad and a fruity chianti.
  • They were a bit chewy for Cretea's taste, but Allogonso liked them just fine. He fondly remembered the days when his mother would pack him roast-human sandwiches for school lunch.
  • Those humans were sometimes pretty inconsistent. Sometimes they'd come on strong and others were fat, limp and unrefined. Still, Cretea and Allogonso enjoyed them fried in butter
  • "It´s the fat", he used to tell her, "The wonderful complicated fat this peculiar beings have", She just squinted and ate, as she always did, Suddendly
  • a dictionary appeared, but they brushed it aside again. "I'm going back to the buffet for more of the roasted leg of human", he'd always say, and she would laugh nervously, hoping
  • that his taste for man flesh was a passing fancy. Definitions were meat for her and the dictionary was an all you can eat feast. In the corners, the gnomes stirred restlessly,
  • gnoshing on some leftover printouts of Wikipedia pages, their eyes constantly darting back to the library door. Someday this would all make sense, but that day was not today.


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