My pants lay across the bed. It was morning

  • My pants lay across the bed. It was morning and the light was shining slowly through the blinds. It was 7:30, time for me to get ready and go to work. But today I didn't want to.
  • I didn't feel like wearing pants today. Maybe a skirt? or those short-shorts? No! Today is the day! It's Pantaloons Day! I tried to remember where I put them...
  • But then I remember there is only one place worthy of a good pair of Pantaloons. The Pantaloons Safe! But now I have to remember the combination, I think there was a 314 involved?
  • My informant said the combination was as easy as pie. That's it! I dialed 31-41-59. The pantaloons were mine! Now for the snoods and ascots, i ventured further.
  • I was going to the best dressed Ren Fair patron in the world. Now that I'd stolen wardrobe I needed some gigantically juicy pieces of
  • eye candy to follow me around adoringly. My maids were each over 350 lbs. I strutted around Liz Phair's Renn Faire in my keen threads, getting digits and business cards with ease.
  • The red guitar was like a magic wand I carried until one day I was on the red line and it got stolen out of my hands by some dude who got off at Wilson.
  • I knew that meant something but not what. I got off at Grover and hailed a cab from the corner. It was Rez but he was an ok hack from Hackinsack out back in the tack with the sack.
  • "Where to," asked Rez. "Just get me out of this stinkin' town," I said. "No charge if I can come too," said Rez. "You're the driver," I said, handing him a flask of hootch.
  • we made it out of town to a small cabin on the north shore of liberty lake and drank ourselves silly. I was happy with Rez til the booze ran dry, then set off on another adventure.


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