Mrs Pumpernickle Von Codswallop was a great

  • Mrs Pumpernickle Von Codswallop was a great admirer of the research conducted by Prof Humita. During her studies at the Caledonian University of New Technology she decided to write
  • the worst paper of her life, just as an excuse to visit Prof Humita during his office hours so she could ask him for some "help." She found him hunched over his computer,
  • & could tell by the light change that he'd switched programs on his monitor before turning to greet her. What had he been looking at? Prof Humita gruffly said "Yes?" Her term paper
  • was about pre-post modern masculanism. She was going flip Professor Humita's whig, literally.
  • Prof Humita kept the 18C politician in his bedroom. She burst in yelling, "I'm flipping that Whig right here, right now." The Prof flung himrself on the pol "He's a Tory! Get off!"
  • "That is what I am trying to do, your Prof. I can't get off until I flip that limp wristed Whig to do his manly duty all up in my womanly duty", she replied tartly. Prof. Humita
  • Gagged at the insolence of her student. Four years and seven folds later, Prof. Humita had vanquishd her rivals by publishing a book about teeth in literature. It sold millions.
  • In Prof. Humita's mind. In reality, her student graduated with an MBA with a grudge against the Prof because her grade had prevented the student from becoming a veterinary dentist.
  • Insane with rage, she stalked Prof. Humita, found out where he lived and would secretly feed his dog candy every chance she could. When the poor dog developed cavities, Humita
  • took it to the Vet. . .to be put down. When she found out about the dog, her rage subsided and she snickered with glee. Of course, she rushed over to the Vet and rescued the dog ;)


  1. MadWorld Aug 26 2017 @ 11:08

    It was time for a happy ending.

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