"How am I going to explain how I got this

  • "How am I going to explain how I got this much of that crap under my nails? What plausible explaination will they buy?" She knew better than to mess with it, but damn it is just so
  • much easier to take care of her own car maintenance than to pretend to be a helpless female. Really how different is a car engine than a
  • female reproductive system and she'd coped with that for many a year! She stepped back, took a deep breath and grabbed the wrench
  • It. was a a crowfoot 5/8 in Flare nut from Snap-on tools. She drooled a bit and
  • fingered the open end of the wrench. It was artfully designed, appreciated even by those who didn't use tools. She hid her slight arousal and handed it to the gentleman across the
  • table who looked at the wet slight arousal she'd handed him and shried, "EWwwwwwww!" He flung her arousal on the table. "Quick, kill it, kill it!" He took off his shoe and pounded
  • it into the tile, killing it (metaphorically) by letting loose a big wet fart. "Very attractive," she snarled, but he could only grin. "What?" he asked, half chuckling already,
  • but by then the other passengers were picking him up by his clothes and hurtling him out the window. Twenty cases of air freshener later, the room was inhabitable but left vacant.
  • To finish the job, they found a very nice smelling lady and hurtled her through what was left of the window, then installed new windows. Next up on Home Renovation:
  • "How to Build a Portal to the Nether in Your Lavatory"!


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