For fuck sake!Who did he think he was?She

  • For fuck sake!Who did he think he was?She had tried to explain,but there was no reasoning with him and he was the wrong one...still he hung up on her leaving her no choice but to
  • raise the pumpkin babies by herself. The Great Pumpkin was more interested in planting his seeds than he was in monogamy. But she didn't need him anyway; she had
  • more than enough young squash in the neighborhood to accommodate her. She only had to stay strong long enough to save for stem transplant. After that, the babies
  • grew beautifully, never knowing about their mother's illness. However, they were brought to a horrifying end when they were picked and eaten by
  • one of the Mexican cherrypickers who worked in the orchard. As he chewed on the wonderfully juicy fruit he thought he heard a deep moaning coming from the tree. He listened, but
  • he was an awful listener. That's what his wife says. But he looked at the knot in the tree and saw an eyeball staring back at him. George Washington walked up to the Cherry tr
  • tree and began swinging his ax as hard as he could. George used chopping cherry trees as a stress reliever. His therapist said to ignore anything that seemed to peer out from the
  • underbrush, but George wasn't sure that was wise. Who knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men - or women - or even Dr. Who? He'd stopped himself from explaining about the Shad
  • y Grove Middle School Dance. Some things are better left unsaid, especially in mixed company. George knew this, even if some people did not. He'd decided instead to discuss the
  • entire situation with the good Lord above, who always listened and loved George no matter what had happened in the past, present or future. George later became President.


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