They say if life gives you lemons - you should

  • They say if life gives you lemons - you should make lemonade. But what should you do if life gives you a GPS unit, some gaffer tape and a friend who doesn't know any better?
  • I decided to tape the GPS to my friends face so I wouldn't have to carry it. It was a smart idea because I didn't have to hold it and he couldn't talk. I just could not wait till
  • everybody got here! This party was going to be so great. Holding it in the back of a moving van was the best idea I'd ever had. Rolling downtown, blasting Ke$ha at max volume,
  • drinking and trying to become drunk...IT WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER! However, after a few minutes, i recognized that i was being....RickRoll'd. I was in drugs viewing videos.
  • I reached for the remote too late. Rick Astley face melted and flowed from the cathode tube. "Never gonna give you up-pup-pup-pup." The song echoed through my damaged brain. Colors
  • disappeared from the world, and all I could see on the barren landscape were two penguins blowing each other. I had been swept away to the multiverse's rick-rolled dimension.
  • Then some bizarre likable Asian guy with salt & pepper who professed to be a professor started
  • ranting and raving about how he would never be as cool as Jackie Chan and that no one understood how terrible the Vietnam war was. He seemed to be as high as a kite on a windy day.
  • But he was actually as low as a thirty million year old piece of dinosaur feces. He called Jackie Chan on the phone and told him to stop stealing his thunder.
  • But Jackie said he shouldn't feel low. Jurassic coprolites were valuable collector items & he invited him to view his private collection.The prize was a titanic amber Tyrannoturd.


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