This is the most bizarre story you'll read.

  • This is the most bizarre story you'll read. I am going to warn you to try not to get lost. It was
  • on the toilet when I thought of this story, which makes it even more bizarre. You still readin'? Well, can't say I didn't warn ya. Listen,
  • it all started with this old man showing up at my front door with a cat, a very cute cat and then
  • he raised his sword and said, "By the power of Gray Skull." and then like lightening rained down. And he burst out of his clothes, and was ripped. The cute cat became this green
  • tiger with a saddle on it, and his friend Man-At-Arms leapt into action as well. "Skeletor!" he shouted, before turning his head, then his body, then started running, sword-first
  • at what turned out to be nothing in particular. Someone must have spiked his mead with LSD! The thought didn't stick long in his mind because
  • as everybody knows it is difficult to concentrate while on LSD.
  • He paused at the keyboard. Whoa! Hands. Are those mine? Ideas flowed past him, directly to the screen and the fold continued. Another hand -- his? -- picked up a joint and
  • gnawed off the cartilage and other connective tissues from the bone as he proofread the words glowing back at him from the monitor. Finding an error, he
  • flew into a rage, ranting about how no one knew how to construct a grammatically correct English sentence anymore. If people'd eat more brains like me we'd all be better off.


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