When he said on their first date that he'd

  • When he said on their first date that he'd possess her heart she thought it was kinda cute in an overconfident kind of way. Now that he was standing over her with a meat cleaver
  • she was getting annoyed. A feather could be Kinky, a hole chicken was perverted, A meat cleaver was way past anything she had seen in the "Cookie Sutra". Edward Jaye would need to
  • bloviate like a fat colonel sanders at fishfry
  • and we all told him, "Shut up, dude." Todd is a really self-conscious guy and sometimes he thinks he has something to prove. We hate to hurt his feelings, but his insecurities can
  • and have incited biblical-scale riots. Todd kept whining though, so we picked him up bodily, popped the trunk, and shoved him in. But we couldn't close it because he drove a Prius.
  • "Ouch," Tom sniveled, "That smarts!" We pulled him out of the Prius and decided to shove him into a phone booth. We found a few more and packed them in. That was when the phone
  • rang. It was The queen of England, "How do you do?" She asked. "Well, but why are you calling a phone booth in Albuquerque, Your Highness?"
  • "My Dear Sir, We have decided that Charles is not a proper Heir. We have decided to name the Heir by Divine Providence. You have answered the phone & you are now Heir of the Realm.
  • " "But I don't want to be heir of the realm," said Droopy the dog. The other side hung up the phone. Well, Droopy was stuck with the job now. As new Prince of England, Droopy
  • was the now the guardian of the chips, and head of the church of Not Being Bothered. And Droopy reluctantly accepted his duty of upholding England's highest virtue... not caring.


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