Allan: "Hey man, I told you not to eat my

  • Allan: "Hey man, I told you not to eat my pizza" Rob: "I couldn't help it"
  • Allan flings pizza box to center stage. Rob: "But it was delicious like lost childhood memories." Spotlight. Allan turns to audience. Allan: "Rob didn't know my pizza love."
  • Allan's thoughts pre-recorded with reverb: "I didn't know a lot of things about myself." Allan: "My pizza love! I can never forgive Rob, or myself." Stage lights back on, revealing
  • Allan's love DEAD on the stage floor. Somebody ate it! The delicouis pizza! The next day Allan was still in trama, what ever shall Allan do without pizza? Then Allan dialed Dominos
  • he ordered bacon and cheese on his pizza. he was extremely hungry that day. He had no idea of what had come over him. he filled with anger and sorrow and all he had was that pizza.
  • He sat down eating his pizza thinking of what he was to do next. Then suddenly he came up with a plan. He would finish the pizza and then later find something to make him feel good
  • Of course, the only thing that ever made him feel good was eating pizza, so he knew his options would be limited, but he forged ahead anyway. Maybe this time would be different; ma
  • pizza was his one, and only friend he wrote a novel about pizza, he married pizza, it was his love, and it was his life. When someone took his pizza he murdered them. PIZZA PIZZA!
  • until one day he met a beautiful girl, who was named pizza. He feel in love with her and forgot all about how much he loved pizza. He started to regret what he did to the ones that
  • hogged the Parmesan. Pizza stood by his side, greasy face and all. Her looks didn't matter. Whatever toppings she had, he'd love to death, so she was his slice of life.


  1. _Origami_ Nov 05 2018 @ 15:20

    I’m crying XD ;-;

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