We finished suiting up and approached the

  • We finished suiting up and approached the door. Being gentlemen, we rang the doorbell and waited five seconds before kicking the door down.
  • "ANTI-KITTEN FOUNDATION!" I scream as my partner rugby tackles the frail old woman. "You are suspected of harboring felines. How do you plead." I said as the old lady was tied up.
  • Suddenly a giant penis sprouted from her forehead. She thwacked it about knocking me unconscious. I woke completely drenched in a sticky substance. I used my pregnancy test kit and
  • determined that I was pregnant with the unborn child of a dancing midget. What's more, the test revealed that the female snail penis count was going down. I had a lot to digest and
  • morning sickness wasn't helping. I rang all 7 of the possible fathers & asked them to undergo a lie detector test re. their whereabouts in the Magic Forest on the night of 8 March
  • in some Year of Our Lord or another. Each of them failed, but they could not all be the father -- or could they? I asked renowned atheo-biologist Richard Dawkins if polypaternity
  • was the full Christian name of Rocky Balboa's brother in law. Richard Dawkins stubbed out his roach and inhaled deeply. He thought about this as his assistant readied another
  • bowl full of tomatoes. "These taste AMAZING," Dr. Dawkins said as he ate one slowly. "Do you have any eyedrops? I have a conference tonight." His assistant said, "But Rocky Bal
  • boa will be there & well, you know what that means!" Dr. Dawkins chewed thoughtfully. "Hmmm...That's true. I will just have to land the first punch on ol' Rocky." He squeezed
  • into his leather fisticuffs apparatus. Dawkins gnawed at the strings, waiting for the bell. "Land one, set the tone. DEATH OR GLORY!" The bell rang. Dawkins sauntered into fate.


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