"Welcome back to Pimp My Ride. Today, we're

  • "Welcome back to Pimp My Ride. Today, we're trickin' out the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile. We're gonna take it from 'hot dog' to 'hot DAWG'." I watched in astonishment as the host
  • turned the dorky Weinermobile into the bitchin' bean-powered Chilly belchin' Chorizo Chariot. The owner Checo Pérez consumed 10 chili buritos & entered a drag race against
  • the elitist "sausage" racers, the High Octane Sour Kraut compressed Landjuger roadster. Checo's Chili Chariot did not have they scientific precision of
  • alarm bells used to measure their racing vehicle's gear, & the driver's navi was feeling depressed. "My life is a lie." "Come now, our Chili Chariot will beat the Sour Kraut Kart
  • In the Chili 500.", the driver said. There were 25 vehicles entered in the race, scheduled that afternoon. The fuel used was cooking oil from nearby restaurants, to please the
  • environmentalists sitting in the front row. The racing rally was about to start, and the cooks sat in thier food vehicles. "The Chili 500 grand prix is about to start!" Everyone wa
  • -s hungry to know the outcome. With a clang of a spoon on a pot the race began and the cooks tore around the track, food items falling off at every turn and hitting spectators in
  • the face. The Chef's rounded the bend, carts full of fantastic food items. Lastly they had to cook the most amazing holiday dish. Frenchy Frodo made blood pudding & Saucy Sam made
  • brandy-laced fruitcake shaped to look like Pippa Middleton's bum. Lemon Liam whipped up a lovely Yule log, while Petie Pie baked a partridge in a pear crust. Chef was impressed!
  • The evening was aglow with accomplishment and appreciation. A moment passed, and then there was a knock at the door. It was Vincent Price with a tureen of jambalaya!


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 22 2016 @ 15:12


  2. Rebbie Dec 22 2016 @ 15:25

    I guaranty!

  3. Woab Dec 22 2016 @ 15:54

    Hot DAWG!

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