I did the fandango. He moonwalked. I countered

  • I did the fandango. He moonwalked. I countered with running man to robot running out of batteries. He threw up a huge West Side symbol and did the splits. I foxtrotted. He salsa'd.
  • Our chests were heaving as we looked at each other from opposite ends of the stage. By unspoken agreement, we settled on ballet. Grand jete'ing toward each other, we leapt into
  • the orchestra pit, I landing in the woodwinds, she among the tympani. Now ballet was out, twerking was in - her ample derrierere gyrated out of a kettledrum, and I did my best to
  • drum her arse with my timpani mallet in the relevant sections of the 1812 symphony. The conductor raised both of his eyebrows at me. I shrugged & tried to stop her giggling. A trom
  • bone poked her in a strategic location & she stopped giggling. Taking advantage of the moment, I slid down the marimba at just the right time.By now, the audience was enthralled by
  • the unique combination of anatomy lesson, ventriloquism & classical concert - & now I was literally jumping the skeletons bones while making sweet xylophone love music. Nefertiti's
  • Spa really gave you a happy ending! Nefertiti's Spa was on the corner of Melbourne and 113th. Next to the Krispy Kreme.
  • Nefertiti was a calico cat who had a reputation for eating other cats' food, until one day they taught her a lesson. She had to have her own bowl at her spa. Then there was peace!
  • Nefertiti scooped a few bits of kibble out of the circle of her bowl with her right paw. Unfortunately, her nemesis Jaraz noticed and insinuated that her left paw must be feeble. N
  • -efertiti reached out with her left paw and slapped Jaraz clear into the next folded story. She then demurely sashayed to her little velvet pillow by the window and went to bed.


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