They fired him after his presentation on

  • They fired him after his presentation on impregnating toilet tissue with ghost pepper extract.
  • They rejected his appeal for reinstatement based on alleged grounds of unlawful dismissal due to the fact that he was deemed a nuisance and a jackass.
  • "Those hardly sound like legitimate reasons to reject my appeal for reinstatement," he calmly said to no one in particular. "I am going to appeal to a higher jackass!"
  • Satan was bitter, and his argument for reinstatement among the heavenly host didn't impress the judge, scowling bushy browed with a golden gavel. So the Prince of Darkness hired
  • legions and legions of demons to torment humankind with sins of every category as a way to get back at God. The plan backfired (so to speak) b/c people enjoyed sinning. Angels
  • sinned more than anyone. Who could'a knowed? The drugs. The sex. The avant garde string quartets. Gambling on parliamentary descisions. Somebody had to clean up this town, and that
  • somebody had forgotten the Rock n' Roll. That somebody pilgrimaged to Graceland. He was going to access the triple cluster of Rock n' Roll, go back home and fix his town.
  • Unfortunately for him, on his way to "save Rock n' Roll", he got caught up in a rap battle. His sudden talent to quickly and flawlessly rhyme had saved his life.
  • He swaggered away, and still thinking about his victory, he wasn't watching where he was walking, and fell down, into the sewers. He hears a faint "howdy ho" in the distance.
  • It was his mother. She said to him "Go son, go live into the sewers. Fulfill your destiny". He said "No", and went away. His mother then said to herself "My job here is done!".


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