The one and only purpose of life is: A hand

  • The one and only purpose of life is: A hand of Rummy
  • ,yet such is life...you never know what hand you will be dealt and it all matters what is in the cards. You may be lucky enough to find a match or you might just have to
  • FOLD. I folded. I folded my cards. I folded my laundry. I folded my fan. I folded my body into my tiny car & drove off into the sunset, never to return. I lost everything in Vegas
  • because I didn't fold when I should've folded. Homeless on the streets of Las Vegas I eventually lost the ability to even fold at FoldingStory.com when my couldn't pay my cellphone
  • the million dollars that I owed him. Why he went by "My Cellphone" I would never know. But My Cellphone was the ultimate authority over FoldingStory, so I had to respect him. I was
  • honestly oblivious to this until one fateful night, when the lights in my home all shut off in a deafening thud. My Cellphone, supreme ruler of FoldingStory, lit up and started spe
  • lling out the letters,"H E L L O T H E R E" across the screen. Then they pulsated wildly at me until I finally yelled back, "HELLO! Ok!! Jeez. What do you want!? Who is this?"
  • The old words were replaced with: "S T E V E N I C E T O M E ET Y O U H O W I S T H E W E A T H E R" Then those words pulsated until I yelled "Rainy! Why do you even care?"
  • Rainy didn't respond. I knew it! I knew Rainy didn't care! The weather is such a boring topic, and I never talk to Rainy anyway. Why even bother making conversation. Whatever.
  • Or so I thought at the time. Months later, with still no response from Rainy, the peony trees had wilted and the gardenias had shriveled up entirely. I had no rue to rue the day.


  1. SlimWhitman Jul 08 2018 @ 16:31

    Is rue acquainted with Rainy or My Cellphone?

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