The iodized salt flew at her from every direction.

  • The iodized salt flew at her from every direction. Abigal fell to her knees, having nowhere to run. "Salt! Salt! Salt!" the crowd around her chanted as the crystals flew at her.
  • Abigail began to shrink. Made mostly of water the salt was killing her. Why did these looming giants continue to toss death at her?
  • To make matters worse, Abby's doctor had an infantile sense of humor. When she told him of her suspicions she had a urinary tract infection, he giggled for the rest of the checkup.
  • Abby had enough when her doctor asked her to pat his head & rub her belly at the same time. What kind of quack was this guy? "I need you to pee in this cup." he chortled. Her UTI
  • suddenly seemed less important than it had a few moments ago. In fact, the burning was diminishing by the second. "Now touch your toes, and say 'Aaaaaah!", the doctor giggled, adju
  • adjusting his probe. Its' a virus. You need rest and a bland diet. I am, though, concerned about your hair falling out and the sudden urges to sing "God Bless America". Here is a
  • mole that you haven't seen before. Maybe it's a skin tag? I want to rip it off my arm pit but will it bleed?
  • Shakira let her mind drift off to her happy place and let her date examine his moles solo. One day her prince would come, preferably moleless with a wider conversational range. But
  • this exposure triggered a bout of hypochondria that gripped her by the gonads, at which point she believed her date's moles were contagious melanomas. She bathed in liquid nitro Th
  • is was quite clever on her part, to say the least, because after that her date thought she was a big cryogenic crybaby and left her the hell alone.


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