1Mississipi2Mississipi3Mississ...Herald didn't
- 1Mississipi2Mississipi3Mississ...Herald didn't remember how many Mississipis he was suposed to wait before he could chase after Jane into the woods.He agreed to the counting for fu
- n. After 30 Mississippis he called, "Ready or not, here I come!" Then racing into the woods, Herald sought to find Jane. When he found her crouched in a bush, they kissed with such
- passion that blue birds twittered and a fawn stopped to watch. Herald and Jane's first kiss was noticed by a passing angel and they were forced out of Eden back to schoo
- l. Herald and Jane would then have to wear fig leaves around their crotch, if they wanted to be 'popular'. Fig Leaves was the new rage at Tremont High. All the hot girls
- wore one to hide their figs. The fig tree behind the school furnished a fresh supply of the supple leaves, but as the tree became defoliated, the girls had to make due with
- branches. They tied fig branches to hide their nakedness. One night the school had a barbecue adn the ran out of wood so
- they took the Giving Fig Tree's stump too. "First Fig Newtons, then branch apparel, and now this?" Reduced to mere roots, the GFT had no choice but to move back in with Barq, his
- old fraternitree brother. Giving Fig Tree was frond of Barq and releaved to have a place to stay, but did knot like Barq’s shady friend Wee-Ping(Will)Lo, whose extreeme treeclyness
- turned his puns haiku. Giving Fig Tree was saddened. Barq cared not one bit. The birch tree was vile. Barq and Wee-Ping ran a scam. Squirrels found no acorns.
- The acorns had been gone for centuries and would never return. There would be no great reunion. The trees stood as silent sentinels, finally petrifying and turning to stone.
- Started
- 2011-07-17 15:58:20
- Finished
- 2012-05-12 03:56:07
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