A star explodes and who knows what the unintended

  • A star explodes and who knows what the unintended consequences are.
  • Stephen Hawking would. Next question?
  • Yes, since we are made of star stuff and we are little more than dust the vast cosmos, what do you think will be the new colors this Spring?
  • I was just getting ready to answer this question when someone behind me yelled, "Look out! Duck!" The asteroid barely missed us! Another fraction of an inch & we would've been
  • beaned by a heavy pebble with Martian origins. Strangely it looked familar, a small donut shaped white powdery chunk. Did'ya view the NASA report about that rock the rover discover
  • ed that martians like donuts? Yeah, apparently the martians had been watching us for a long time, and decided to replicate our delicious donuts. We would not stand for this!
  • So I decided to invent a device that blasts all the martian-replicated donuts with the press of a red button. It was hard to track them all down, but the time has come to test it!
  • So I've built the device and I pushed the button... but nothing happened. I pushed it again. Nothing. Well, it seemed like the martian-replicated donuts did something to
  • the super-sensitive mechanism. Those cheap Martian donut replicas probably had melamine in them. I smashed the now useless hunk of junk and sat down to rethink my life. I only had
  • a few minutes - the time bomb in front of me counted down steadily. Loaded with tripwires and failsafes, there was no way out. Three, two, one, KABOO+++ATH0


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