Besides carpet burn, this is what happens

  • Besides carpet burn, this is what happens when you spend it all in one place, at one time, on one woman.
  • He banged his head once again against the floor, then pulled himself up & limped to the bathroom. "God, I look like hell," he said to himself in the mirror. "I need a change, a new
  • name. Something to go by that doesn't send shivers down the average American's spine." Uttering his name, he knew, had recently become akin with the likes of Bundy, Dahmer even
  • Squawkers. You can't escape a bad name and my name will go down in infamy. I tried to change my name to :-) but that was not allowed. I said it was pronounced Captain Awesome.
  • So, I changed the spelling to P-R-I-V-A-T-E-P-E-T-E-R, to throw people off my true awesomeness and my higher rank. Unfortunately, my grandma now thinks I am a porn actor.
  • Unfortunately my grandma is a porn director. She shouted at me, "Grandson, you better be fluffed up we have a seriously outrageous scene. And I want you to look natural!" She
  • She liked to use me in her films, she called it bonding. A therapist couldn't help me with the memory how could any one?
  • The Rapist on the other had could possibly help me. I ran home to dig through my collection of stolen Court documebts but they were no where to be found. I looked in Miami, and I
  • instantly located them. They were in Flipper's secret stash at Marineland. Don't let anyone tell you that dolphins aren't smart. They're too smart. Flipper refused to return them
  • Because he could sell them for cash. Flipper put them under lock and key, guarded by a dog. Marineland management could not swim that deep, no human could. They knew it was the end


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