"Yes, I repeat again, they are pretty much

  • "Yes, I repeat again, they are pretty much imaginary friends for adults." Mr.Green's eyes widened. "Aren't you afraid you'll offend someone, Dr.Klepto?!" The Doctor turned
  • red as his eyes became more sinister, fixated upon his frail subject. "What? Me afraid? Afraid of what? Of...OFFENDING someone?" Mr. Green waited to exhale, horrified in expectatio
  • n of how this game would end. He did not have a clue. Mr. Green hopped to the billiard room through a secret passage. He had the balls to confront Col. Mustard who was nearly
  • finished washing up the dishes after a delightful evening with Miss Scarlett, in which they drank red wine and took long walks on the beach together. Mustard was surprised to see
  • Professor Plum lurking behind a sand dune with some binoculars. "As I suspected," he muttered, "a German U-boat is on patrol. There must be a spy amongst us." Mustard & Miss Scarle
  • T Fever shrugged. They had both figured out there was a spy amount them when the Conservatory had blown up killing Mrs. White and Mr. Pink and leaving an earless cop nobody knew.
  • Mrs. Blue and her husband were relaxing, enjoying a rare day off. The Blacks, Oranges, Reds, Purples and Browns did likewise. Mr. White was gardening and solaced Mrs. Pink.
  • Mr.White turned pale as she lavendered up the soap & rubbed it on her rosy nose.Mrs. Pink felt like a vermillion bucks when he opened a tiny box & a faceted gem captured all colors
  • of the Centaurian rainbow...all 7, 800 colors...dazzling! Mr. White took the gem from the box and placed it on top of Mrs. Pink's cherry blossom paw; it looked amazing near her
  • pink eyes. Indeed, as it was apple blossom time, the pollen was terrible and everyone had pink eyes. Still, they made the best of it, and walked down the aisle and into the future.


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