'You drive me round the bend!' she cried

  • 'You drive me round the bend!' she cried in frustration. 'Well, I am a racing car driver,' he grinned, adding yet another sticky blob of chewing gum to
  • his toupee and then patted it down on the top of his head. It's "Race" car she caustically barked. Hostility emanated from her like Tesla coil. He smiled at her with dopey warmth
  • the betrayed the gooey center that melted at the ways she inflicted pain. He righted his toupee and then wiped his nose, which wept in sympathetic unison with his nethers. "I love
  • painful goo on my nethers". "I say lad, once you get her going with her goo, there is no stopping". Ah, yes. I remember the dim times when she secretly experiemented on me. And I
  • actually looked forward to it. Those were the days when her breath was still sweet, before she started her sardine and cabbage diet. These days I'd rather
  • Kiss a buffalo's but. My ardor was absent and had left on obvious trail for me to follow. How to you restore your missing desire when her merest odor was abhorred. Damn it where is
  • the goddamn TV remote? Martha?! MARTHA! Stupid fat ho, why did I marry such a lazy woman. Can't get a veteran a beer or a TV remote and...what the hell's this under my ass? It
  • glistens and gleams like a fresh set of dentures... what confounded contraption is it?" Arthur, long senile, was unable to identify the un-stoned Sword he was sitting on. Lancelot
  • 's hourglass ran down & he realized it was time to take his suppository. Guinevere sneered,"Lance-a-lot indeed". She'd long since resaddled to a younger steed. Merlin,the doddering
  • old man with the epithet beard could hardly believe his luck. "My magic may be failing me, but don't count out the old mortar and pestle!"


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