We would have made it onto the last ship

  • We would have made it onto the last ship to leave, but she said she had to pee. Now, we were marooned on the island as the
  • Tsunami headed for us. The highest elevation on the pancake called an Island is 10 feet and 1200 people were already crowded there. Well Dear at least you won't piss your self when
  • you have an attack of Demophobia", I said trying to lighten things up. The mound of butter the crowd was standing on was melting in the body heat and then a wave of maple syrup hit
  • like shit brick house and knocked me on my ass into waffle glory. I was swimming in butter, syrup and belgian fluffiness. I sat in one the squares like it was a jacuzzi and chugged
  • grape jelly like it was ambrosia. I was worried that the man in the booth was going to notice me on his waffle, but he was shoveling bacon into his mouth. I needed to find a way to
  • get out of this man's breakfast, and possibly locate my largeification beam before something else decided I would make a great meal. "Damn this jelly for being so viscous!"
  • Unable to break free of the jelly's desperate hold, I soon found myself in the direct path of an incoming butter knife.
  • "Look out!" yelled the professor. The knife whizzed past my face, plunging into the margarine walls of King Flavnor's pleasure palace. With a final kick, I broke free of the jelly.
  • No palace be it made of food or construced from pure thought could contain me! With the jelly running down my knee, and the Professor on my shoulders, I shouted "King Flavnor
  • your castle has expired it's eat by date!" I flung the professor against a rotting column of sausage, that fell on top of him, killing them both. Months later i married a hot dog.


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