I had my finger on The Button. All I could

  • I had my finger on The Button. All I could think of was my mother saying "Oh relax, it's not the end of the world." But this time, with the wrong choice, it would be. I pressed
  • the Button. A spring-loaded snake sprang out of the monitor. My comrades popped up behind me. "Surpirse Demetry. Happy Birthday!" "Oh you guys, got me again!" No WW3, but I will
  • have to play "Capitalist Invaders" tonight on my Comrade Krushchev game console as consolation, I explained. I invited Vlady & Yuri over, cracked a bottle of Vodka & booted up the
  • boot-legged Commodore 64, which was called Comrade 64. Vlady and Yuri had a new game, it was called Proletariat Pitfall! Yuri spilled vodka on the
  • instruction manual, which quickly dissolved into pulp. Vlady and Yuri weren't sure, but they believed the object of the game was to make the proletariat fall under the oppression
  • of a rising army of brain dead slaves. If someone could reverse the effects of dystopia, why not a member of the working class? Vlady turned to Yuri and says: "Is acne contagious?"
  • Yuri said he would research it and let Vlady know the answer to that asap. J.G. Ballard walked in the room and greeted everyone in the dystopian language.
  • "Do you really have to do this?" Hanna, who was beside Yuri asked.
  • The cop looked at her quickly and still managed to never take his eye off Yuri as he searched Yuri's pockets and the inside seam of his trousers. "Yes, I have to. It is my job."
  • "Eureka! I found the proof. You are secretly Rainbow Man!" He held up my color transducer & said the activating word Color wave, Seattle Wave, New Wave, Microwave & poof no Cop.


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