April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs

  • April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.
  • Melanie finished reading and brought her eyes up to glance at her classmates. Billy was picking his nose. Tom was fast asleep. Christine was flicking her the bird. No appreciation.
  • at this moment in time i didn't know what to think
  • So I didn't. I acted on impulse, not knowing what would come of it.
  • I was surprised when nothing happened at all. Literally. The world around me became an empty void. It was just me and my ex, floating in the vacuum. Awkward.
  • But then, in a void and vacuum, my ex didn't seem that bad anymore. Without gravity or color, all our "good times" floated up into my mind. I started wondering why we broke up in t
  • he summer of 1998. Nevertheless, something within me paused, tightened on the inside. Instinct is like a never ending tap drip in the subconscious. I picked up my phone and texted
  • "Doc, how did I end up back in 1998?" to Christopher Lloyd's number. I didn't really believe it was his number, much less that he would answer, but when my phone beeped 2 min later
  • , Christopher Lloyd was on the line. "I can't do anything to help you return to the present," he whispered. "You'll have to stay in 1998...at least for now." Click. I wasn't disapp
  • ointed. I knew Mr. Lloyd was busy beating up a load of eldery prostitutes for R. L. Stine. I made the most of things by enjoying two years of the internet when it was still good.


  1. Zetawilk Mar 03 2013 @ 01:05

    FoldingStory is, obviously, good. But most of the internet isn't FoldingStory.

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