He jumped on top of the car and fired off

  • He jumped on top of the car and fired off the rocket launcher at the building. It was his ultimate act of defiance against a corrupt system. The rocket flew, but a plane hit first
  • base when it smashed into Wrigley field. The rocket exploded when it hit the flames. A black figure stalked through the curtain of fire. It was Reggie Jackson, and he was fireproof
  • but not immortal. Ernie Banks paused, then raised his bat. "Let's do two," he growled. His eyes narrowed into slits and they walked toward the alien ship, towards
  • an alien sitting on the thrown that was shining in radiance above all other aliens. Ernie had never seen such a sight. He didn't know that so many colors actually existed.
  • Turns out these colours belonged to a rainbow, something the rather gray alien figure had never seen. He was astonished.
  • On his planet everything was grey. The subtlest change in shade on the ectoplasm of a horta could mean that violence and mayhem was about to ensue.
  • Of course, back in those days he had been much more agile. Now, he feared, he had lost his edge.
  • He turned toward his dog licking its balls. He stretched out his tongue but was just out of reach. "Damn it spot! You win again!" Spot stopped licking, held out it's paw, waiting
  • for the keys to his Navigator. He begrudgingly handed them to Spot and said, "Once around the block and that's it, okay boy?" Spot barked his approval, hopped into the SUV, and
  • promptly hauled ass to Vegas. Chances are Spot had a pretty fantastic time but we'll never know because what happens in Vegas...


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 22 2011 @ 04:41

    Hi mixtyplix. Welcome to folding story! Please try to write lines that include elements from the previous line. This makes for better Foldingstories. Thanks!

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