Golden Locks tried so many beds by now she

  • Golden Locks tried so many beds by now she could not remember how she got to the latest one...There was a bear in bed with her and her mouth tasted like...well,not porridge.
  • The bear looked as if he was licking honey off his paw.GoldenLocks decided to try the porridge to get rid of the taste of bear from her mouth doubting the bear would feel the same
  • in 5 minutes because GoldenLocks had a 12 Gage shotgun pointed at the bear under the porridge table. Golden Locks pulled the trigger. "Click." The bear smiled, "Do you really think
  • I'd leave ammunition in it? I'm a bear, not an idiot. Goldenlocks realized she was standing before her very possible death. 900-pound anthropomorphic bears are deadly when they
  • are wearing green tights and hold straws in their right paws. Any sensible person would know that for sure! If they didn't well that would be rather
  • a huge rip in the overall fabric of the green tight universe. The pups, especially, could sense here that something was amiss when their kool-aid spring was filled with some kind
  • Of pesticide put there by the nuclear plant detectives to conceal their golden parachute that crashed with millions of pounds of Rope-a-Dope paste compost. The pups asked for other
  • accommodations to be made as they did not care for their present company on account that they had mated out of season with their common sister. The well known taste of blood whet
  • -her or not it is thicker than water, tainted the flavor of the vegetarian dishes served downstairs at the hotel. Their sister took offense at being referred to as "common" and
  • decided to take the risk. She had nothing to lose. After they went to sleep, she glued all the tomatoes left in their dishes on the main door, in the shape of a japanese tree.


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