Look at the screen. Just rest your eyes and

  • Look at the screen. Just rest your eyes and stare at the green dot in the center. After a few seconds, your peripheral vision will fade. That's when you see them...
  • The fuzzies I call them. Not warm and fuzzy. Noo nooo. They're out to get us. When I turn off the old telly. You can see them swarming in the center. Then there's the squirmy ones.
  • Then there's the fuzzies the lay eggs in your ear. Their slugworms drill into your brain and make you "nice." You become incapable of expressing an authentic emotion. Instead you j
  • ust repress & repress & repress until the emotions build up in your brain & it explodes. The slug worms in your brain are released to lay their eggs in the next vector's ear. It's
  • a rather complex, disturbing process. In many countries, these slug worms are considered to be delicacies. French cuisine connoisseur Jauque Alarie says, "They taste like crushed
  • armies, provided you sautee the soldiers in industrial waste." His bitterness was understandable; his wife of eleven weeks had abandoned him and was now shacking up with three
  • Nazi sympathizers in a van on Fern St. If she didn't want the seat left up, then she shoulda refilled the TP. If she didn't want her clothes thrown in the backyard, don't leave 'em
  • laying around. If she didn't want him to tell her she was fat, she shouldn't have asked. When would she learn? She wouldn't. Instead she grew into a bitter old woman, with acid
  • worn teeth, constantly denying any form of love was real. If he couldn't accept her as who she was, who would anyway. That was what she was always telling her nieces.
  • Also she told them to stop reading that feminist drivel. That free bleeding shit is disgusting no matter what their dyke friends say. The End.


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