Why do I always want to type these phrases,

  • Why do I always want to type these phrases, "Don't turn around, uh-oh, Der Kommissar's in town, uh-oh? Peter asked himself as he spiked his hair.
  • Der Kommissar knocked on the door. "I'm baaack! Are you wearing your special trousers?" Peter's spiky hair dropped a little. "Ja baby, ich komme," he called as jauntily as he could
  • muster at the time. Having been mauled by German clams 3 years earlier, he would always shudder at the flashbacks whenever he spoke German. Poor Peter was not really ready for the
  • mussels and oysters either. In fact, Peter wouldn't ever be ready for shellfish again. Holen Sie sich die Schalentiere weg von mir! The flashbacks of the German clam mauling haunt
  • us all, the entire Brady family, to this day, none more than I, except perhaps Peter. Alice had an allergic reaction to shellfish and died dreadfully, of asphyxia. It was Peter who
  • crashed in the Lobster Swamp and was clawed to death slowly. Then there was Marcia, chewed up by babboons, and Bobby who fell off a roller coaster. Tragically, the Brady Bunch is
  • now a grape stem picked clean by a rhesus monkey of death. Sherwood Schwartz fumed. "Ratings are kaput. Need a new family. The Conrad Cluster, Manson Multitude, Anson Agglomeration
  • Or something like that." His collaborator, a dogman, rang up D. H. Lawrence for suggestions. DHL waxed poetic about the Italian families he had met in Italy. They famously argued
  • phrenological fads and the knick knacks they produced but were really future relics. Like the arm of Barbie or the ? of Ken. We argued about other spaces and their numerical statu
  • s and pursuant et cetera et cetera. But when Mao had the temerity to bring up Zen then he was suddely persona non Grata and sent down to live on a hot town with lots of dirt. Lots.


  1. seinundzeit Jan 10 2017 @ 19:28

    And they weren't drawn either.

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